Network marketing is an industry that has grown greatly in the last few years. There many network marketing companies in different countries across the globe. One of these is Initials, Inc. Initials, Inc is a network marketing company based out of Georgia. Two sisters originated this company back in the year 2005. It initially began as a small DSA party planning business and today it is a multi-million dollar empire. The company is set for some serious growth in the future. The serious growth is an important aspect you have to know if at all you are thinking about joining Initials, Inc.
Initials, Inc deals in handbags, accessories, and other organizational items. The best reason as to why this company has been doing well ever since its inception is their accolade with some creative partners and distributors who help in opening up their homes for various product presentations to families and friends. Initials, Inc makes use of the home party model in promoting products. The company uses this type of promotion because it is much more inviting, social, fun and more so comfortable thing to do.
To become a representative or distributor with Initials, Inc, you need to begin by buying their starter kit. The starter kit costs about 139 USD and including shipping and taxes. This package offers you about 13 of your products, catalogs, marketing tools, and even order forms. Another bonus that also comes with the starter kit is a free site for the first three months. The three months gives you some time to start sharing the website with potential prospects on the go. You can also make some real cash through the compensation plan as well. You stand to get 25 % commission on all the products that you have sold personally. There are still other sales, promotional and recruitment bonuses that you acquire. The compensation plan by Initials, Inc is pretty fair. Initials, Inc is the perfect company for you to partner with if at all you need some financial freedom.
Probably at this time you are wondering whether you need to join Initials, Inc. Initials, Inc is a high-income generation opportunity for you the right person. The products and the compensation plan are attractive as well. It takes a lot of effort to get to succeed in such and industry. Before you can even start earning, it is important to adopt the use of the attraction marking system. This platform teaches you how you can build your brand, attract leaders, generate leads and even make money. This even applies to people who have not joined the company. This is the kind of company you need if at all you need to take your earnings to an all new level. By combining the online attraction and the personal approach in marketing, you would place yourself in a better place for building a robust network marketing team.
The overhead of 139 USD is not being offered at a discounted amount of 100 USD. You will get access to a variety of products, invitations, and forms just to ensure that you are reaching to a larger customer base. This is a great opportunity for you to boost your earnings through network marketing. Grab it now!
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